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  • Writer's pictureYu Qian


Updated: May 8, 2019

n. t the frustration of being stuck in just one body, that inhabits only one place at a time, which is like standing in front of the departures screen at an airport, flickering over with strange place names like other people’s passwords, each representing one more thing you’ll never get to see before you die—and all because, as the arrow on the map helpfully points out, you are here.

Since civilization, human beings have been inventing new tools and technologies to challenge the limitations of the natural environment and simplify complex tasks.

With the great invention of the Internet and digital media in recent decades, the notion of the world is redefined as everyone across the globe could easily communicate with one another. The invention of air transport has allowed us to travel easier, further and faster than ever.

Creative inventions and the advancement of technology made the once impossible became possible.

We are able now able to fly, transcend borders easily and to see more this vast world.

Go somewhere. Do something. How can you stay in one spot when the world is so big?

- JC Caylen -

Driven by the strong desire to discover the undiscovered and experience the unexperienced, human beings have been constantly trying to uncover the many mysteries the world and universe offer to quench their thirst of curiousity. For the same reasons, mankind has been continuously inventing technologies that push beyond boundaries and bring mankind to new heights.

Modern inventions and technologies are powerful - they allow us to challenge and defy certain natural laws (eg: cloning and medical advancements). Human beings do impressive feats but I doubt if future inventions would be able to beat the limitations of time and vastness of the world. After all, we're simply just insignificant beings living at the mercy of time on this sizeable piece of land.


Look around... at how far the horizon is and how dauntingly it encircles us.

Look at our surroundings and the world... Aren't there just so much going on?

Isn't it tempting if only we could experience every single experience out there?


No matter how much we'd want to explore this beautiful world, we would never be able to do so. We're unfortunately stuck in just one body that inhabits only one place at a time.

Our time here is too short and we're only able to experience this much.

We could never have enough of this world.

If only we could own 10 bodies...

If only there are 48 hours per day...

We could have experienced and seen so much more of this world.

It's quite saddening to realize that some of us wouldn't have been able to savour the bits of our lives properly because life is too short and this world has too much to be explored.

Have a listen of how I try to word the abstract feeling of experiencing Onism

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