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There are many common human experiences and feelings that we all share but there isn’t an exact word to describe some of these strong emotions.​


Drawing my inspiration from The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows , I’d like to share my personal 'moments of emotions' and mull over my experiences with obscure sorrowness through OLEKA: ONISM.​


OLEKA (n): The awareness of how few days are memorable.
ONISM (n): The awareness of how little of the world you’ll experience.

A logophile with an INFP personality.


A young adult who’s still trying to figure things out and piece things together.


This is Yu Qian. 


What do Oleka & Onism mean?
Source: Youtube

​Nothing happens without a reason.​

“Reason is nothing without imagination.”

– Rene Descartes –

​Since young, I had always been a person of few words. On top of that, I’m the only child; I had no siblings to bicker, fight or play with. Reading and writing became an oasis of peace and contentment of mine. I used to read a lot in my free time and writing was my way of expressing myself and feelings. Words became my best friend as I fell in love with the beauty of words and languages.


My appreciation for written words led me to gradually open my eyes about the world as I grew into my teenage. I began to question the why’s and how’s in life. I grew to enjoy meaningful conversations with people of all walks of life and self-reflective sessions.


I became more mindful of my very own thought process, emotions and little moments of everyday life as I learned to understand myself better. Everything in this world seems perplexingly fascinating to me but moments of intense abstruse emotions intrigue me the most.


Unknowningly, those were some 'emotions' and obscure sorrows I was experiencing. 


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